Saturday, December 15, 2007

nino and spain


am imagining NINO playing guitar while he was on Spain XDD

he could use the bike for his transportation

 有名スポーツ選手が52人もそろうTBS系特別番組「2007史上最大スポーツ大感謝フェスティバル」(25日午後9時)の収録が14日、都内で 行われた。司会をTOKIO国分太一(33)と内村光良(43)が、サポーターを人気グループ嵐の5人が務める。国分は「新聞でいつも見ている選手たちを いっぺんに見られるので楽しみ。番組が来年、再来年と続くようにしたい」。二宮和也(24)がスペイン・バルセロナまで飛んで、サッカーのロナウジーニョ の自宅を訪問したVTRなども流れる予定だ。


yatta!!! now i know why nino went to spain!!!!!!

i have no idea who's Ronaldhino ne, but i guess he's a very grand Brazilian soccer player I DO NOW!!! XDDD... suge nino!!! he interviewed him at his HOUSE... kyaaa!! now, my mind is clear! he never went to Spain to get married or something! buwahaha... we'll never know, he could be a great interviewer, maybe next to sho, well, sho's a newscaster ne~ maybe nino can be assigned on sports LOLzz..kyyaaa!!! 2 arashi member on the same field! suge!

info credit to: jen@vox and nikkan sports